Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's Here!

Yes!! Woohoo, yippee, hooray, etc...!!! I made it through finals, whew, and it's Christmas BREAK!!! Christmas is in 4 days, can you believe that?!? In other words, today is Christmas eve-eve-eve! I'm really starting to get into the Christmas spirit now that I don't have to worry about studying (hallelujah!) and I can just enjoy spending time with my amazing family and friends!! We went to church this morning, and I loved it, because we sang Christmas carols, and I was reminded of what Christmas (emphasis on the CHRIST) is all about...the birth of JESUS! This is such a special time that I look forward to all year long, and it's here!
Right now, I'm babysitting my two brothers. The youngest, Carson, is sleeping already, and the oldest, Christian, is super low maintenance, so I don't have to worry about him! He's a big help with Carson. Tomorrow we are taking Carson to the mall to see Santa Clause! That should be so much fun! We've already attempted to do this, but the line was SO long because we came at a busy time of day. However, Carson still got to look at Santa....haha, I know, nothing compared to actually sitting in the man's LAP! So we're going to try to beat the crowd this time- we want Carson to have the full experience! I know he will love it- we'll be taking lots of pictures! Well, gotta go.... I'm in Christmas mode!!


  1. Glad you posted again sissy! I'm also glad that you are already relaxing and enjoying your long Christmas break! Take a nice deep breath...relax...sleep late, deserve it! You've worked very hard, been so responsible, and I couldn't be any more proud of you! :)

  2. Oops! I posted above before signing into my own account! Obviously your proud mom wrote that Caylie! :)

  3. haha i was just reading that and was like that totally dosnt sound like caylie! lol we definitly need to hang out soon and get catched up on all of christmas! my christmas was so great!! how was yours? well we need to finish this conversation in person! -tootles

  4. hahaha, yeah, it confused me too! ELIZABETH!!!!!!!! How on EARTH was Jamaica?!?! Oh my gosh, I need to see you!!!!! I'm missing you, girl! <3
