Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Friday night I had some friends over to help celebrate my 15th birthday party! We had a total blast!! We ate pizza and cake, opened presents, made gingerbread houses, watched a movie, told stories, and more, laughing almost the whole way through!! I have such amazing friends, and this special time with them made me remember how blessed I am! Ok, gotta go study for finals! AAAAAGH! haha, byebye, Caylie


  1. I'm so glad that you started a blog!!! :) Your first post has pics and everything...you are so good! I love the background you picked out!

  2. caylie caylie caylie...i prbabily should be studying right now but i decided to get on my blog!! this thing is so cool we can talk just like facebook!! so totally awesome! oh my i looked at my grades and i have three 89s!!! my finals totally depend on my grade...this is horrible!!!! im paninaking(wow bad spelling) ayways...i better get back to studying!! i <3 your blog... so CUTE!! -TOOTLES

  3. by the way that was elizabeth...i dont know what to put in because??? ow well stephen=elizabeth -tootles

  4. ugggg... this is fustrating!! -tootles

  5. wow... you have music!! cool -tootles
